Black Philly Artists in Wikidata
For querying Wikidata, see our Wikidata repository:
For background on this project, see the four blog posts on the Scholars Studio blog:
Designing a Wikidata Project: Mapping Black Philly Art
Curious about Wikidata but not sure where to start? In this beginner-friendly blog post, Dr. Synatra Smith explains how to get started with a Wikidata project. Beginning with a brief explanation of Wikidata, she outlines four stages of designing a project: Define the objective and scope, Identify data sources, Research and blogging, and Seek opportunities for collaboration. With lots of links to helpful external sources, this is a great place to start!
Editing in the World of Wikidata: What Does It Mean?
In this blog post, LEADING Fellow Dr. Rebecca Y. Bayeck explains the basics of editing Wikidata. She provides a step by step guide to help a new user from account creation to understanding the difference between statements and properties. She also explains how to use Openrefine, an open source application, to edit Wikidata quickly.